If you have been charged with a crime, one of the legal options you may consider is a plea bargain. Basically, this is an arrangement between the prosecution and the defendant in which the prosecution offers to reduce the charge or recommends lighter sentencing in...
Criminal Defense
Your rights during a vehicle search
Let’s say you get pulled over by a police officer for a cracked taillight or an outdated registration. It seems like a fairly routine traffic stop until the officer wants to search your vehicle. You are caught totally off-guard. You’re scared even though you have...
How eyewitness testimony is notoriously inaccurate
If you are accused of a major felony like murder or aggravated assault, the police and prosecutors will try to amass an arsenal of ammunition to convict you. One of their favorite weapons is often eyewitness testimony. After all, if somebody witnessed events going...
Domestic violence accusations need a serious response
Have you been charged with domestic violence? It can come as a nasty shock to find yourself suddenly treated like a criminal -- even though nothing has been proven. Understanding what you are facing is essential for your defense. How can a domestic violence charge...
What types of jobs can qualify as ‘community service?’
Often, people who are convicted of a criminal offense are ordered to do "community service." It may be part of their sentence in addition to serving time in jail and/or paying a fine. Sometimes, an attorney can negotiate with prosecutors for a person to do community...
What impact does a criminal conviction have on employment?
It can be difficult for anyone to secure gainful employment. It's especially hard for those with criminal records. Crimes disappear off a person's record like a bankruptcy after a few years in other countries. They never do in the United States, though. A criminal...
When are prosecutors most apt to want to negotiate a deal?
The vast majority of criminal cases end in a plea bargain. Approximately 90% of cases end in that fashion. The United States is unique in terms of how they offer defendants plea bargains as many countries don't offer them.Put quite simply, a plea bargain is when a...
Was it assault or self-defense?
State statutes regarding self-defense vary widely. Some states are "stand your ground" states that have very liberal self-defense laws on the books whereas others have very limited definitions of what applies in cases of self-defense.Colorado's laws fall somewhere in...
How do you fight a shoplifting charge?
A shoplifting conviction doesn't sound like that big of a deal but depending on the value of the merchandise, it can result in serious consequences that alter your life for many years to come.For this reason, it's critical to do your part in fighting a shoplifting...
The long-term consequences of a criminal conviction
Regardless of the type of crime you're charged with, it's critical to take the steps necessary to protect your legal rights. While there is no guaranteed way to prevent a conviction, there are defense strategies you can use to improve the likelihood of this...