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You can seek compensation for injuries after your auto collision

On Behalf of | May 6, 2022 | Personal Injury |

In a car crash, there are many kinds of injuries that a person could suffer. They may struggle with lacerations from debris or broken glass, whiplash, head injuries, spinal cord injuries, air bag injuries or others.

It’s important for victims of collisions to know that they have a right to seek compensation if another person caused the collision. The at-fault driver should be held accountable for the injuries that they’ve suffered.

If your injuries are caused by another person’s recklessness or negligence, you deserve compensation

When another person chooses to drive recklessly or is negligent behind the wheel, they may cause a severe collision. It is only fair that those who have been hurt have an opportunity to seek compensation from them to make themselves whole again.

While that may not mean reaching a point of total healing, it does mean having the financial support to be able to live life as normally as possible.

You have to take action quickly if you want to pursue a claim

It is important to pursue your claim quickly if you intend to file one. Not long after the crash, you may be contacted by the other party’s insurance agent. It’s wise not to speak with them but instead to refer them to your attorney. Why? The truth is that these agents may try to get you to say that you were partially at fault, or they could try to get you to settle for less than you deserve.

You have a right to seek fair compensation, so it’s in your best interests to wait to settle a case until you know exactly how your life has been affected. You’ll need to know how much you’ve spent on medical care, the cost of upgrades to your home to make it accessible if you have a new disability and other expenses. It’s valuable to go over the expenses and losses you’ve had with your attorney before deciding if you want to accept a settlement or take your case to trial.

If you intend to make a claim, make your intentions clear as soon as you can, so you don’t lose the option to do so.
