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3-vehicle crash sends driver to hospital in serious condition

On Behalf of | Dec 23, 2020 | Injuries |

When drivers aren’t cautious, they can be accused of reckless driving and face charges in some cases. Someone who is reckless and who then causes serious injuries may end up paying harsh fines or being penalized with jail time, too.

Take, for example, this case in Colorado where a semitruck driver collided with an SUV and car that sent one driver to the hospital in serious condition. The crash took place at 132nd Street and Sable Boulevard. In images, both passenger vehicles had their rear ends crushed severely.

The driver of the semi was arrested following the crash. He was accused of careless driving, but he has since been released.

Careless and reckless behaviors can lead to injuries and fatalities

Unfortunately, careless drivers can cause serious collisions that send people to the hospital with serious or life-threatening injuries. As someone who could be involved in a crash in the future or someone who is caring for a loved one who was recently hurt in a crash, you need to know that you can pursue a claim against any driver who is reckless and harms you or a close family member as a result.

What kinds of compensation can you receive?

You may be able to receive several types of compensation following a crash like the one above. Some may include coverage for your lost wages, compensation for your medical care and financial support for your pain and suffering.

If you are involved in a collision, remember that your attorney can help you get your claim started right away. There are deadlines applicable, too, so starting your claim early is in your best interests.
