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Hit-and-run drivers should be found and held responsible

On Behalf of | Aug 22, 2018 | Personal Injury |

A personal injury isn’t always so severe that it leaves you with lasting disabilities, but it can be serious enough that you’re temporarily unable to work and provide for yourself or your family. When you get hurt, it’s typically your right to pursue a claim against the person who injured you. If that person has insurance, you can make an insurance claim. If not, then a personal injury lawsuit might be called for.

Sometimes, situations that were first minor turn into more significant problems later on. People who can’t be trusted to drive safely or report when they cause an accident are those who should be held liable.

One example of this would be a hit-and-run driver. A driver is required to stop at the scene of an accident regardless of fault. If there are people who are hurt, stopping and calling for emergency care could be the difference between life and death. For some, when a driver flees, there’s no way to call for help or help comes much too late.

Drivers who flee the scene of a hit-and-run crash can and should be held liable for the collision. They may also face criminal charges for their actions, since they violated the law by leaving the scene of a serious accident. Our site has more information on what you can do if you’ve suffered an injury in an accident. Your health and wellness are the most important part of any case, and you should have a right to get the care you need without worrying about the cost it represents.
